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Collective exhibition
Petion-Ville town hall - Port-au-Prince - Haiti
IN THE NAME OF AMERICAN LAW series works are available in various formats on photo media (poster), fomecore, wood, acrylic and metal. To order

Blan peyi !
Acrylic on canvas 3 panels (16''x16'')

Guns of America
Acrylic and Collage on canvas 2 panels (30"x24")

In the name of american law
En Amérique Print

In the name of american law
J'ai peur ! / I'm afraid. Print

In the name of american law
Le palais des Sans-Soucis I Print

In the name of american law
Whack! Bam! USA Print

In the name of american law
On a immédiatement pendu sept nègres Print

In the name of american law
Whack! Bam II Print

In the name of american law
Palais des Sans-souci II Print
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